Complete Fees Management system for Medical Colleges or Medical University
For any organization it’s very important to handle the account. It’s one of the most difficult and time consuming task for any organization. The situation becomes more complicated when you are handling more than one organization. In addition, administrators are often forced to use general ledger systems that were originally designed for other business environments and are inadequate for their specific needs. If there is no proper co-ordination among department, it’s very difficult to handle the situation. We understand and recognize the unique needs of the financial administrator in this arena. We deliver affordable financial and managerial accounting solutions designed specifically for your requirement. Management can anytime login to their account and get the reports of any institute. Management can also generate a printout report of the pending fees status. Also an email can be fired to their guardians regarding the fees details etc.
- Designed according to educational institutions requirement (Can be further enhenced)
- Easy to operate, user friendly,
- Available on Internet/ Intranet.
- Compatible with your manual system
- *Secure Login (With I.P. Address)
- Immediate Reports.(maintain for complete student life cycle)
- Check/Cash/Direct Bank/ Draft/Payment Gateway all cases are follow-up.
- Linked with online Payment Gateway.
- MS-Excel Compatible. (export to excel)
- Strong MIS (Management Information System)
- User level Permission (complete privacy)
- Alerts on Mobile/ Email
- Scholarship Reports.
- Multiple fees types support (Hostel, transport, Library etc.)
- Reconciliation with Bank Statements.
- Bill Management System.
- Students' Back Log. Maintenance.
- Party account maintenance (their information, scanned bill copy)
- Staff salary Management (Linked with Bio-matric Device with thumb impression)
- Cash in hands (Department wise also for temporary transactons.)
- Mess Management system (Daily expenses etc)
- Transport Management (fuel, toll, maintenance / you can calculate fuel efficiency according to vehicle)
If you want to enroll with us, please send your details us at