No.1 in Medical Website Design
Call : 92 6633 1234
Email: info@web4bharat.com
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Search from thouands of records in our databank.

MDI CRM is online software for our end users or common public, where they can search doctors, hospitals, clinics, pathlabs, gym, yoga trainers or any other related information. We are available with android app for our medical directory. You can search medical colleges, hospitals, clinics, doctors, gym, spa, pathlabs, yoga trainers, pharma industry according to various parameters like alphabetically, with name, with in city or state and many more criteria.
We are having a huge databank for all the companies, organization related with health or medical industry. You can enroll with us or advertise with us.

If you want to enroll with us, please send your details us at info@web4bharat.com

Domain Search

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Domains only from $7.99/per year

This site offers a WHOIS lookup service which allows you to perform a WHOIS lookup on a domain name to see who owns it or to see if it's available for registration. This service queries the appropriate WHOIS server for the domain name and displays the response which is a public record that anyone can see. In some cases, the owner of a domain name (the "registrant") may choose not to have their address and contact information displayed.

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